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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Protocol: Mutation Detection by SSCP PCR.
A protocol for mutation detection by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) by PCR from the neurogenetics laboratory in the Neurological Sciences ...www.ohsu.edu/nsi/faculty/reddyh/lab/protsscp.html

step by step sscp
Step by Step SSCP. Travis Glenn. Laboratory of Molecular Systematics. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC 20560. phone: 301-238-3444. fax: 301-238-3059 ...www.uga.edu/srel/DNA_Lab/SSCP'96V2.rtf

Springer Protocols: Abstract: Multiple Fluorescence-Based PCR-SSCP analysis with primer, post- and internal labeling.
Springer Protocols is the largest subscription-based electronic database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences.www.springerprotocols.com/Abstract/doi/10.1385/0-89603-499-2:51

PCR-SSCP: a practical approach (detailed SSCP protocols)
The multiplexed PCR-SSCP analysis described here (Protocol 5) is essentially a two step procedure, each strand of the target DNA sequence is labelled as it ...europium.csc.mrc.ac.uk/WebPages/Database/Methods/pcrpract.htm

Optimization of Nonisotopic PCR–Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism.
The protocol used for the GCK gene allowed us to establish a successful strategy for the development of PCR-SSCP on other genes such as BRCA1 (breast cancer ...www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/43/11/2190

Genomic Variation Laboratory – SSCP Protocol
Feb 27, 2003 ... SSCP Protocol. MDE gel (BioWhittaker Molecular Applications) final ... 3) For single strands, mix 2 ul PCR product for each sample with 10 ...http://genome-lab.ucdavis.edu/Protocols/SSCP%20Protocols.htm

Evaluating Duplicate Gene Expression using RT-PCR/SSCP Analysis (Wendel Lab.)
The subsequent PCR reaction follows the protocol you have predetermined to work best .... 1995, Identification of DNA polymorphism by asymmetric-PCR SSCP. ...

Sensitive detection of p53 gene mutations by a 'mutant enriched PCR SSCP technique.
In the past, the existing PCR-SSCP technique as established by Orita et al. ... Figure 1 gives a schematic view of the protocol applied whereby the ...nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/26/5/1356

Single-strand conformational polymorphism.
cantly to its utility. SSCP PROTOCOL. The following is an example of an SSCP protocol that we used for detection. $138 PCR Methods and Applications ...www.genome.org/cgi/reprint/4/3/S137.pdf?ck=nck

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