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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Animal models Protocols

A list of animal model protocols from scientific journals, patents and/or laboratory websites.

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Alzheimer's Disease. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Huntington's Disease. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Spasticity. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Anxiety. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of Prodrugs of 3-Aminopropylphosphinic Acid Analogs for Treating Depression. US Patent#7,585,996 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of Prodrugs of 3-Aminopropylphosphinic Acid Analogs for Treating Alzheimer's Disease. US Patent#7,585,996 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of Prodrugs of 3-Aminopropylphosphinic Acid Analogs for Treating Anxiety. US Patent#7,585,996 Protocol

Animal Model for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of Prodrugs of 3-Aminopropylphosphinic Acid Analogs for Treating Epilepsy. US Patent#7,585,996 Protocol

Animal Model of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis ... - Current Protocols Abstract Abstract: Animal models of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Heligmosomoides polygyrus infection are powerful tools for the investigation of the ... www.currentprotocols.com

Animal Models - Lab Protocol lab, laboratory, laboratory protocols, biology, life science, pcr, northern blot ... Animal Models, fsdf, 2009.07.05. Animal Models, fdsfdsfdxxx, 2009.07.05 ... www.labprotocol.com/index.php?kid=26...Animal+Models

Animal Models for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Parkinson's Disease. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal models for depression-like and - Nature.com 13 Dec 2007 ... Animal models for depression-like and anxiety-like behavior .... This protocol is related to the following articles: ... www.nature.com/protocolexchange/protocols/344

Animal Models for SLE | Current Protocols Abstract Abstract: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in humans is ... www.currentprotocols.com

Animal Models of Acute and Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease effective regimen in blocking T cell function in GVHD. Supplement 27. Current Protocols in Immunology. 4.3.4. Animal Models of. Acute and. Chronic ... onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/0471142735.im0403s27/pdf

Animal Models of Depression. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Models of Pain. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Animal Models of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy ... - Current Protocols Abstract Abstract: Painful peripheral neuropathy is a common secondary ... www.currentprotocols.com/protocol/ns0918

Animal Models of Retroviral Encephalopathies. 6 Jul 2009 ... Protocols, methods, and experimental design for pharmacology, drug development, drug screens, pharmacokinetics, ADME, preclinical models of ... www.scientistsolutions.com

Animal Models to Assess the Efficacy of .alpha.-Amino Acid Prodrugs for Treating Social Phobia. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Anti-Hepatitis B Virus Effect of N-nonyl-DNJ Alone in a Woodchuck Model. US Patent#7,612,093 Protocol

Antiviral Study to Test the Activity of N-nonyl-DNJ in Combination with 3TC in a Woodchuck Model of Hepatitis B Virus Infection. US Patent#7,612,093 Protocol

Auditory Startle and Prepulse Inhibition of Startle (PPI) Animal Model of Schizophrenia. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Chemically induced mouse models of intestinal inflammation. 15 Mar 2007 ... Animal models of intestinal inflammation are indispensable for our .... Additionally, a protocol to generate colitis-associated colorectal ... www.nature.com

Chronic Constriction Injury Model (CCI Model) US Patent#6,936,628 Protocol

Esophageal injury model in vivo tissue reconstitution. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3860-9 Protocol

Establishment of rat liver transplantation model. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008 Feb;7(1):29-33 Protocol

Experimental Orthotopic Tumor Models. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 March 18; 105(11): 4329 4334 Protocol

Experimental protocols for CMD animal models Experimental protocols for CMD animal models. Raffaella Willmann. Raffaella Willmann studied Biology in Italy and obtained her PhD in Biochemistry in ... www.treat-nmd.eu/research/preclinical/cmd-sops/

Haloperidol-induced Catalepsy in the Rat. US Patent#7,572,802 Protocol

Hemiparkinsonian Rat Model. Stem Cells Vol. 26 No. 8 August 2008, pp. 2183 -2192 Protocol

Human Ovarian Cancer Animal Model. PLoS One. 2009; 4(10): e7670. Protocol

In Vivo Data Rat Penile Erection Model. US Patent#7,470,691 Protocol

In vivo model of airway inflammation. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7525. Protocol

In vivo model of airway inflammation. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7525. Protocol

Induction of PD in Rats. US Patent#6,914,056 Protocol

Lymphadema Animal Model. US Patent#7,476,384 Protocol

Method for Making Atopic Dermatitis Model Mice. US Patent Application#20090246181 Protocol

Method for Making Atopic Dermatitis Model Mice. US Patent Application#20090246181 Protocol

Middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model. Journal of Neuroscience, November 19, 2008, 28(47):12433-12444 Protocol

Mouse Model for Hepatic Repopulation. Stem Cells Vol. 26 No. 5 May 2008, pp. 1117 -1127 Protocol

Mouse Models of Periventricular Leukomalacia This video protocol demonstrate establishing mouse models of periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), the predominant form of brain injury in premature infants. http://www.jove.com/Details.php?ID=2074

Murine model of ascending Urinary Tract Infection. PLoS Pathog. 2009 September; 5(9): e1000586. Protocol

Murine Model of Hindlimb Ischemia This video demonstrates the methodology for the murine model of unilateral hindimb ischemia. The specific materials and procedures for creating and evaluating the model are described, including the assessment of limb perfusion by laser Doppler imaging. This protocol can also be utilized for the transplantation and non-invasive tracking of cells. http://www.jove.com/details.stp?id=1035

Myocardial Infarction Model and Bulk Cell Transplantation. PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(3): e1789. Protocol

Osteoporosis Induction in Animal Model So, there was a need to have protocol in animal model to let the ... aim of this research was to make such protocol in animal model. ... www.scipub.org/fulltext/AJAV/AJAV52139-145.pdf

PCP-Induced Hyperactivity Animal Model of Schizophrenia. US Patent#7,531,572 Protocol

Production of a Parkinsonian Rat Model, Cell Transplantation, and Behavioral Testing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 March 4; 105(9): 3392 3397 Protocol

Rat Cryoinjury Model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Apr 22;105(16):6063-8 Protocol

Rat model of chronic myocardial infarction. J Formos Med Assoc. 2008 Feb;107(2):165-74 Protocol

Rat model of myocardial infarction. J Cell Mol Med. 2008 Mar 28 Protocol

Rescue of Ischemia in Rabbit Lower Limb Model. US Patent#7,476,384 Protocol

Small Animal Models of Hemorrhagic Shock. 6 Jul 2009 ... Protocols and methods for immunology, antigen presentation ... www.scientistsolutions.com

Spinal Cord Injury Model and Transplantation. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7706. Protocol

Springer Protocols: Animal Models Animal Models. Protocols in Animal Models ... Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Protocols in Drosophila Embryos and Tissues ... www.springerprotocols.com/.../browse?...Protocol...Animal%20Models...Animal%20Models

Stem ceII mobilisation- Mice model. WO/2008/104090 Protocol

Tissue Samples from a Murine Model of Induced Cardiovascular Defects. PLoS ONE. 2009; 4(1): e4221 Protocol

Tissue Samples from a Murine Model of Induced Cardiovascular Defects. PLoS ONE. 2009; 4(1): e4221 Protocol

Transplantation of Pancreatic Islets Into the Kidney Capsule of Diabetic Mice A protocol to cleanly and easily deliver islets or cells under the kidney capsule of diabetic or normal mice. http://www.jove.com/index/details.stp?ID=404

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