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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Related links to cloning (2)

Cloned Animals

TIME Collection: Cloning - Archive of articles from Time Magazine

Cloned Rabbits Produced by Nuclear Transfer from Adult Somatic Cells - Article from the April 2002 issue of Nature Biotechnology.

Endangered wild sheep clone reported to be healthy - Article from the Genome News Network (October 12, 2001).

First Cloned Mouse Dies Of Old Age - Report from CBSNEWS.com (May 10, 2000).

Pigs Cloned for First Time - Article from the April 2000 issue of Nature Biotechnology.

Cloning Noah's Ark - Article on cloning endangered species from the November 2000 issue of Scientific American (requires subscription).

First Male Clone - Article from Nature News Service about the first successfully cloned male animal, a mouse (1999).

A Clone in Sheep's Clothing - Article in Scientific American reporting the cloning of Dolly (March 3, 1997).

Cloning for Organs

Cloned Pigs Raise Transplant Hopes - Article from the August 22, 2002, issue of BBC News.

Building Brand New Kidneys - Article from the February 13, 2002, issue of The Scientist (requires subscription).

Scientists Produce Five Pig Clones - Article from the March 14, 2000, issue of BBC News.

More Information

Roslin Institute - Learn more about Dolly's home.

Hello Dolly: A WebQuest -Web-based curriculium for teaching cloning.

Cloning: From DNA Molecules to Dolly - Human Genome News article (January 1998).

Genome Audio Files - Page down for several real audio interviews on cloning.

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