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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Related links to cloning (1)

(most resources focus on reproductive cloning)

General Information

Cloning - A collection of resources from MEDLINEplus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.

Cloning In Focus - An excellent introduction to cloning from the Genetic Science Learning Center. Teacher resources covering cloning and other genetics topics also are available.

Cloning: How It Works - An interactive guide to cloning with graphics and animations provided by Guardian Unlimited.

Creating a Cloned Sheep Named Dolly - General information on cloning from the National Institutes of Health Office of Science Education. For grades 9-12.

How Cloning Works - from the How Stuff Works Web site.

How Human Cloning Will Work - from the How Stuff Works Web site

Weblog Special: Human Cloning

Cloning - Introduction to cloning and stem cells. An issue brief from the Genetics & Public Policy Center.

Cloning in the News

The Real Face of Cloning - From USA Today (January 17, 2003)

The History of Cloning - From MSNBC News. A timeline outlining a brief history of cloning.

Cloning Ethics

The Politics of Human Biotechnology: Overview - Center for Genetics and Society.

Primer on Ethics and Human Cloning - A 2001 actionbioscience.org original article by Glenn McGee, Ph.D.

Beyond Dolly the Human Cloning Dilemma - From MSNBC.

Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry - 2002 human cloning report published by The President's Council on Bioethics. Includes ethical discussions and policy recommendations.

Sex and Cloning - From NewScientist.com (requires subscription).

National Information Resource on Ethics & Human Genetics - Includes GenETHX, the genetics and ethics database.

Cat Cloning is Wrong-Headed States The Humane Society of the United States - Press release (2002) from the Humane Society of the United States advising against the cloning of cats and other pets.

Policy and Legislation (focus on U.S. policy)

Federal Policies on Cloning - A summary of U.S. efforts (1991 to 2003) to pass cloning legislation from the Center for Genetics and Society.

State Human Cloning Laws - An overview from the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Hot Topic: Cloning - A collection of legislative and other cloning resources. Provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Database of Global Policies on Human Cloning and Germ-line Engineering - A database of cloning legislation from around the world. Provided by the Global Lawyers and Physicians, a non-profit organization working on health and human rights issues.

Policy Brief: Human Cloning - From the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Why We Should Not Clone Humans - From the American Medical Association.

Bills Introduced to Congress

H.R.2560 - Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2007

H.R.2564 - Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2007

S. 812 - Human Cloning Ban and Stem Cell Research Protection Act of 2007

Cloning Problems

TIME Collection: Cloning - Archive of articles from Time Magazine

Cloned Mice Have Genomic Flaws - Article from the Genome News Network (September 2002).

Tears of a Clone - Article from The Guardian (April 19, 2002).

Cloned Monkey Embryos Are a "Gallery of Horrors" - Article from NewScientist.com (December 12, 2001).

Imprinting Marks Clones for Death: Unstable Genes Make Normal Clones Unlikely - Article from Nature News Service (July 6, 2001).

Clones Contain Hidden DNA Damage - Article from NewScientist.com (July 6, 2001).

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