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Saturday, December 25, 2010

C. Elegans Genetic Protocols

C. elegans EMS Mutagenesis http://cobweb.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~ambros/protocol.cgi?id=26

Knockout Protocol

Genomic DNA prep

Integrating extrachromasomal arrays-- http://cobweb.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~ambros/protocol.cgi?id=4

Integration via Gamma Radiation -- http://www.biochem.northwestern.edu/ibis/morimoto/research/Protocols/IX.%20C.%20elegans/E.%20Genetics/1.%20Integration%20via%20gamma.pdf

MMS integration

Joe’s mRNA Prep -- http://www.k-state.edu/hermanlab/protocols/joes_mrna_prep.htm

F2 Mutant Screen - non "clonal" -- http://cobweb.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~ambros/protocol.cgi?id=27

C. elegans RNA Prep Protocol

Expression Lab - RNAi Protocol

Cosuppression in C. elegans – Ketting, et al. pdb ...

EMS mutagenesis

A Guide to Genetic Mapping in C. elegans-- http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/UWmolecbio/

Introduction of Double-Stranded RNA in C. elegans by Injection ...

Introduction of Double-Stranded RNA in C. elegans by Feeding ...

Introduction of Double-Stranded RNA in C. elegans by Soaking ...

Isolation of RNA from C. elegans -- Ketting et al. pdb ...

Mapping C. elegans Mutants using STS Polymorphisms -- http://cobweb.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~ambros/protocol.cgi?id=32

Preparation of C. Elegans Genomic DNA --C

Procedure: --Single Worm PCR

C. elegans gene knockout protocol - new

EMS Mutagenesis Of C. Elegans

Model Organisms/C. Elegans Protocols

C.elegans Gene Knockout Protocol by TMP/UV Method

Nature Protocols: RNAi screens in Caenorhabditis elegans in a 96 ...

Caenorhabditis briggsae methods *


RNAi in C. elegans.pdb ...

Gene Knockout Protocol by TMP/UV Method

Identification of 1088 New Transposon Insertions of Caenorhabditis ...

Springer Protocols: Abstract: Intracellular Ca2+ Imaging in C. elegans

C. Elegans methods Floatation, hypochlorite treatment; liquid Culture, RNA Prep ...

Genes misregulated in C. elegans deficient in Dicer, RDE-4, or RDE .

Online Text for “Improving the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome Annotation ...

Homologous gene targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans by biolistic ...

Cloning and characterization of the C.elegans histidyl- tRNA ...

Isolating Mutants of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans That Are ...

MultiSite Gateway Recombination System Using a C. Elegans ...

Methods - C. elegans - Cenix Protocol for Production of large Scale dsRNA ...

Towards a mutation in every gene in Caenorhabditis elegans ...

Mos as a tool for genome-wide insertional mutagenesis in C. Elegans ...

IngentaConnect Shotgun cloning of transposon insertions in the Genome of C. Elegans ...

Preparation of C. Elegans Genome DNA - C

Genetics and Neurobiology of C. elegans - Publications

Shotgun cloning of transposon insertions in the genome of C. Elegans...

Identification of 1088 New Transposon Insertions of Caenorhabditis Elegans ...

Genome-wide RNAi screening in Caenorhabditis elegans

Biolistic transformation in C. elegans using unc-119 rescue

Discovery of novel alternatively Spliced C. Elegans Transcripts by Computational Analysis of Sage Data...

Using Stress Resistance to Isolate Novel Longevity Mutations in ...

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