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Sunday, December 21, 2008



Large Scale Plasmid Preparation: MGH

Modifications of DNA ends

PCR amplification of DNA

PCR product purification (Qiagen)

Perfectly Blunt Cloning of DNA (Novagen)

Phenol/chloroform extraction of DNA

Plasmid midi-prep from bacteria

Preparation of genomic DNA from bacteria

Purification of DNA


Random Primed labeling of DNA (Prime-It II -Stratagene)

Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA
Southern Hybridization
Stark's Prehybridization Buffer

Sequencing using Sequenase

Southern blot

Tail DNA prep

Wizard Plus Mini-preps (109. Plasmid Mini-prep)

Worm Genomic DNA: MGH

Worm genomic Southern blots: Michael Koelle

In vivo transcription

BrUTP labeling of RNA transcripts

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