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Monday, May 5, 2008

Chapter 3. Molecular Biology -- DNA and RNA

Chapter 3. Molecular Biology -- DNA and RNA

Nucleic acid methods (1)

Nucleic acid methods (2)

DNA isolation & related protocols

DNA Purification (glass milk vs electroelution)

DNA, RNA Sequencing

RNA Isolation and Purification

Isolation of DNA,RNA, and Protein simultaneously.

DNA mutation detection by SSCP

Preparation of DNA and RNA probes

Southern blot hybridization

Northern blot hybridization

Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH)

Gene knockout protocol

SiRNA gene knockout

Plasmid and its usefulness

DNA library construction

Microarray protocols.

Basic knowledge of microarray.

Introduction to Microarray.

MicroArray Procedure

Total RNA Isolation from cultured cells.

DNase Treatment of Total RNA

Making the single strand cDNA probe.

Automated Slide Processor (ASP) Version for hybridization.

Washing microarrays in ASP.

Processing of Array slide

Pre-hybridization of the processed slides (NON-Automated version).

Hybridization of Cy3 + Cy5 probe to glass array (NON-Automated version).

Preparation of Dendrimer Cy3 and Cy5.

Washing unbound probe from glass array (NON-Automated version).

Hybridization of Dendrimers (Cy3 and Cy5) to Array (NON-Automated version).

Washing unbound dendrimer from glass array(NON-Automated version).

Microarray Dababases


Other Microarray Protocols (1,2)

Gene transfection

Gene therapy for cancer

Molecular cloning

Conditional gene transfection(Tet on/off)

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