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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Basic Lab Technology

Alternate method for purifying DNA from agarose gels

Isolation of RNA from mammalian cells using RNAZOL (Teltest)

Preparation of sequencing gels

Preparing proteins/antibodies/DNA/RNA for microinjection

RT-PCR Protocol

Safety Procedures
Preparation of Solutions
Disposal of Buffers and Chemicals

Southern blotting

Transfection of mammalian cells using Lipofectamine (LTI)

Transformation of E. coli by electroporation

Wizard PCR preps DNA purification system

Working with DNA
Sterile Technique

Microscope Technology-1


Additional Applications of Confocal Microscopy


Comparison of Electron Micrographs

Confocal microscope technique

Confocal Microscopy (Information about the history, confocal theory, principles and optics as well as a selection of general links)

Conventional VS Laser scanning Microscopy Techniques

Creatingand enhancing professional graphics using Adobe PhotoshopCS3

Dark field illumination, Larry Legg

Digital Image Ethics (A short history of some of the issues that journalists have struggled with and ten suggested guidelines for working with digital images)

Digital Microscope Camera Technology
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Light Microscope Techniques
Materials, Forensics, Geological Microscopy
Electron and Light Microscopy Web Resources

Educational Resources (On-line resources for K-12 teachers & students)

Electron Microscope Techniques
Historical and Antique Microscopes
Scanning Probe and Atomic Force
Energy Dispersive Microanalysis EDX

Electron microscopy

Electron Microscopy (Information about history, principles, sample preparation techniques and www resources for TEM & SEM)

Electron microscopy


Fluorescence Techniques (Links with information about fluorescent dyes, antibodies and resources for sample preparation)

Free Publications (Seven publications for professionals that cover microscopy & imaging from a variety of perspectives)

Hardware (Information about digital cameras, scanners and printers)

Histology (Links to sample preparation protocols and staining techniques, immuno/histo/cyto-chemistry, collections of images of tissues prepared for histology and safety)

Image capture

Microscope Technology-2

Image analysis

Image Galleries (Links to collections of beautiful images that use a number of microscopic imaging techniques0


Introduction (A look at the basics of what makes up a digital image, color and file formats, as well as a few links on human vision)

Laser microscopy

Laser microscopy: stereo-viewer

Light & Microscopes Larry Legg's funky introduction

Light Microscopy (Links to excellent resources that introduce concepts of light & optics, as well as how light microscopes work)

Light microscopy

McCrone Research Institute Teaching light microscopy, pollen and spore identification

Measurement of Cell Organelles

Measurements: Ocular and Stage Micrometers

Measuring Area

Measuring Depth

Measuring Volume

Microscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Microscopy Resources (General information about professional societies, vendors, web resources and email discussion groups)

Microscopy-UK general resource, training, and supplies

Phase Contrast illumination and other methods, Larry Legg

Polarized light illumination - Do-it-yourself, cheap

Polarized Light illumination, David Walker

Preparation in TEM

Sample Preparation of Confocal Microscopy

Software (Links to resources for several commercial and freeware image editing programs)

Stereo vision

The Bright Field Microscope

The Inverted Phase Microscope

The Phase Contrast Microscope

The Transmission Electron Microscope

Use of Darkfield Illumination

Use of Oil Immersion (100x)

Video microscopy (Microscopy & Imaging Resources on the WWW)


Alkaline Phosphatase Localization



Cell fixation - room temperature paraformaldehyde (good for paraspeckles/speckles for 5 min; most other things for 10 min)
Cell fixation - methanol

Conjugating antibodies to fluorescent probes

Histology Protocol

Immunoflourescence of MEFs
Mouse Necropsy
Necropsy form
Paraffin embedding and Sectioning
Staining Protocols
H & E staining
BrdU Staining Histological Sections
X-gal Staining
HRP-DAB Immunostaining
AP-BCIP/NBT Immunostaining
GFP & BrdU In Situ Immunoflourescence
Fixation, permeabilization and immunostaining of cells
(contains images and movies)
Cell fixation - warm paraformaldehyde (preserves microtubules)

Immunofluorescent Localization of Tubulin

Methyl Green-Pyronin Staining of DNA and RNA

Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Reaction

Selective Staining: Prepared Slides

The Feulgen Procedure for DNA


Affinity column preparation and Immunoprecipitation

Affinity purification of Antibodies

B-PER Bacterial Protein extraction reagent (Pierce)

Bradford quantification of protein concentration

Crosslinking Protocol

Crosslinking the antibody to the beads protocol | Abcam

Factor Xa Cleavage of GST fusions

GST-fusion protein injection into rabbits

GST-protein fusion expression, purification and other uses

His-fusion protein purification (Novagen/Qiagen)

Histone Kinase Assay
Western blot

Immunoblot Anaylsis


Protein Interactions Captured by Chemical Cross-linking: One-Step Cross Linking.

Protein precipitations

Protein preparation (from plants tissue)

Protein staining

Protocol: Cross-linking of IgG to Protein A or G Beads: NEB

Radio-labeling of protoplasts


Silver staining

Stripping blots to reprobe with different antibodies

UV Crosslinking Protocol

Western blots

Cell Fractionation

Cell Fractionation Protocol.
Chromatin isolation
Spliceosome purification

Cell Fractionation Protocol.
Covalently conjugate antibodies to beads for affinity purification
Nucleolar isolation
(contains images and movies)
Cajal body isolation
(contains images and movies)
Lysing cells for release of both cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins

Equilibrium Density Gradient - Percoll

Low Speed Separaton of Cells

Preparation of nuclear extract from plated cells

Sedimentation Densities

Separation of Cells by Velocity Sedimentation

Sucrose Fractionation of Castor Bean


Addition of enzyme inhibitors

Advanced analysis of enzyme parameters

Computer simulation

Determination of Km and Vmax

Effects of ph

Effects of temperature

Enzyme Assay22-28

Enzyme Assay36-42

Enzyme Assay43-47

Enzyme concentration

Extraction of tyrosinase

Fucosyltransferase assay


Kinetic analysis

Phosphatase assay

Preparation of standard curve

Protein concentration/enzyme activity


Amino-allyl labeling
TRIzol plus RNEasy Mini
RNEasy Midi
TRIzol product insert
RNA amplification
RNA gel electrophoresis

C. elegans RNA prep: Michael Koelle

In vitro transcription reaction

Isolation of poly-A RNA

LiCl RNA Preparation: MGH

Northern blots

Northern Blots: Michael Koelle

Nucleotide composition of RNA

Orcinol determination of RNA

Phenol extraction of rRNA (rat liver)

RNA and protein extraction from the same sample

RNA prepararion (from plants tissue)

RNA Preparation: MGH

Spectrophotometric analysis of RNA

Sucrose density fractionation

Worm RNA Preparation: MGH


ABC Random Amplification
Alcohol Precipitation of DNA
AML sample DNA preparation

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Boomerang DNA Amplification Single primer DNA amplification

cDNA amplification from l-phage library

cDNA library screening

Characterization of DNA

DIG DNA labelling and hybrid detection (Boehringer Mannheim)

Direct Automated Sequencing off Bacterial Genomic DNABruce Rhoe

DNA extraction from agarose (Qiagen)

DNA - dische diphenylamine determination

DNA Fragment Isolation from LM agarose

DNA Ligation

DNA detection
DAPI chromosome identification

DNA preparation by cryostom tissue dissection
DNA labeling by nick translation

Ethanol precipitation of DNA

Extraction of DNA from bovine spleen


Genomic DNA preparation (plants)



Large Scale Plasmid Preparation: MGH

Modifications of DNA ends

PCR amplification of DNA

PCR product purification (Qiagen)

Perfectly Blunt Cloning of DNA (Novagen)

Phenol/chloroform extraction of DNA

Plasmid midi-prep from bacteria

Preparation of genomic DNA from bacteria

Purification of DNA


Random Primed labeling of DNA (Prime-It II -Stratagene)

Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA
Southern Hybridization
Stark's Prehybridization Buffer

Sequencing using Sequenase

Southern blot

Tail DNA prep

Wizard Plus Mini-preps (109. Plasmid Mini-prep)

Worm Genomic DNA: MGH

Worm genomic Southern blots: Michael Koelle

In vivo transcription

BrUTP labeling of RNA transcripts

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-1

About PCR



Asymmetric PCR

Colony PCR Protocols

Competitive and/or Quantitative RT-PCR

Degenerate PCR

Differential Display PCR

Genotyping by PCR

History of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)--(1)

History of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)--(2)

Important Publications at Cell

Important Publications at Nature

Important Publications at Science

In Situ PCR

Introduction to PCR

Inverse PCR

Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR

Long PCR Protocol: Church Lab

Long PCR Protocols

Methylation Specific PCR

Multiplex PCR

Nested PCR

PCR Animations

PCR aplications

PCR Brochure and Articles

PCR Elisa

PCR Manual

Biotech News

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