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Saturday, September 17, 2016


i)           Set-up the following Pre-Hybridisation solution in a Coplin Jar and           incubate at65°C during the labeling incubation period to equilibrate. 20X SSC 8.75 ml 20% SDS 0.25 ml BSA (100 mg/ml) 5.0 ml H2O to 50.0 ml

ii)            Label control and test genomic DNA as follows:- CONTROL TEST Genomic DNA ˜ 2 mg ˜ 2 mg Random Hexamers (3 mg/ml) 1 ml 1 ml H2O to 41.5 ml to 41.5 ml Heat at 95ºC for 5 minutes. Snap cool on ice and briefly centrifuge. 10X buffer 5 ml 5 ml dNTP's (5mM each dATP, dGTP & dTTP, 2mM dCTP) 1 ml 1 ml Cy-labelled dCTP 1.5 ml (Cy3) 1.5 ml (Cy5) Klenow fragment (10U/ml) 1 ml 1 ml Incubate at 37°C for 90 minutes.

iii)          Incubate the microarray slide(s) in the Pre-Hybridisation solution for 20 minutes at65°C, beginning just before the end of the labelling reactions incubation time at37°C.

iv)          Combine the control and test reactions and purify using the Qiagen MinElute PCR Purification kit, using a two step wash stage using 500 ml then 250 ml volumes of Buffer PE and eluting the labeled cDNA from the MinElute column with 14 ml H2O. The columns retain approximately 1 ml, so the final eluted volume will be 13 ml.

v)           Rinse the pre-hybridised microarray slides in H2O for 1 minute, then in isopropanol for 1 minute. Spin at 1500 rpm for 5 minutes to dry slides. Keep in covered slide box. 1 NICK DORRELL - LAST UPDATE FEBRUARY 2004

vi)          Prepare the Hybridisation solution as follows: - Sample 13 ml H2O 26 ml 20X SSC 12 ml 2% SDS 9 ml Heat at 95ºC for 2 minutes. Allow to cool slowly at room temperature and centrifuge for 30 seconds. Add 2 x 20 ml H2O to the corners of the hybridisation chamber. Place a slide into the chamber. Place a LifterSlip™ glass coverslip (22 mm x 25 mm) over the array section on the slide using tweezers. Pipette the Hybridisation solution onto the slide at the top of the coverslip. Seal the chamber and incubate in a water bath at 65°C overnight.

vii)         Prepare Wash solutions as follows: - Wash A (1X SSC 0.5% SDS) Wash B (0.06X SSC) 20X SSC 20 ml 2.4 ml 20% SDS 1 ml H2O to 400 ml to 800 ml Incubate Wash A solution at 65ºC overnight. Dispense 400 ml volumes into three glass slide washing dishes. Remove slide(s) from the hybridisation chambers and gently remove coverslip(s) by rinsing in Wash A. Place slide(s) in a slide rack and rinse with agitation for 5 minutes. Transfer slide(s) to a clean slide rack and rinse with agitation in Wash B(i) for 2 minutes, then in Wash B (ii) for a further 2 minutes. Spin at 1500 rpm for 5 minutes to dry slide(s).

viii)      Scan slide(s) using Affymetrix 418 scanner and analyse data


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